
In this study, fungal contamination was determined as well as total aflatoxin B1(AB1), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenon (ZEA) levels in corn-based feed samples obtained from four different farms in Serbia (n=35) during one year. Mycotoxins were detected in feed using the VICAM fluorometric method. It was determined that 97.14% of all samples were contaminated with moulds which belonged to following genera: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Eurotium, Fusarium, Mucor, Mortierella, Oidiodendron, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Scopulariopsis, Syncephalastrum, Trichoderma, Ulocladium and Wallrothiella. A total of 58 different species were identified. Total mould count per 1 g ranged from 1.00 log cfu/g (dried corn silage - autumn, fresh corn silage - summer and corn grain silage - spring) to 7.32 log cfu/g (dried corn silage - winter). Mycotoxins were isolated from 28.5% of samples: ZEA was found in summer (220-240 ?g/kg) and in spring (240 ?g/kg) in concentrate samples; OTA was detected in winter in dried corn silage (16 ?g/kg) and in spring (12 ?g/kg); all samples were AB1 free.


  • Naj~e{}i predstavnici poljskih plesni pripadaju rodovima Fusarium kao i plesnima iz grupe Hyphomycetes Dematiaceous (Alternaria i Cladosporium), dok se vrste rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium obi~no javljaju prilikom skladi{tenja

  • Review of fungal genera and species of moulds isolated from feed

  • Fungal species isolated from corn-based feed in one research year

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Marija [krinjar, Dobrila Jaki}-Dimi}, Vladislava [o{o, Nevena Blagojev, Slavica Veskovi}-Mora~anin, Tamara Geri}**. U ovom radu utvr|en je stepen fungalne kontaminacije uzoraka sto~nih hraniva na bazi kukuruza (n=35), koji su prikupljeni sa ~etiri razli~ite farme u Vojvodini tokom svih godi{njih doba u toku jedne godine, kao i utvr|ivanje prisustva i koli~ine aflatoksina B1 (AB1), ohratoksina A (OTA) i zearalenona (ZEA) u navedenim hranivima. Zahvaljuju}i svojim nutritivnim osobinama i uslovima u kojima se uzgaja i skladi{ti, sto~na hrana na bazi kukuruza ~esto moe da bude kontaminirana razli~itim vrstama plesni i njihovim ekstracelularnim metabolitima – mikotoksinima (Oruc i sar., 2006). Naj~e{}i predstavnici poljskih plesni pripadaju rodovima Fusarium kao i plesnima iz grupe Hyphomycetes Dematiaceous (Alternaria i Cladosporium), dok se vrste rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium obi~no javljaju prilikom skladi{tenja. Stoga, bio ispitivanje stepena kontaminacije plesnima nekoliko vrsta hrane zaivotinje na bazi kukuruza tokom razli~itih godi{njih doba, izolovanje plesni i njihova identifikacija, kao i prisustvo aflatoksina B1, ohratoksina A i zearalenona.

Corn grain silage
Syncephalastrum racemosum
Rhizopus stolonifer Ulocladium botrytis
Acremonium strictum Gams
Wallrothiella Wallrothiella subiculosa Höhn
Fresh corn silage
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