
This article presents the results of a reconnaissance and detailed forest pathological survey of tugai forests of the floodplain of the Syrdarya and Ile rivers. The studies were carried out at KSU “Otyrar forestry” along the floodplain of the Syrdarya River and KSU “Bakanas forestry” along the floodplain of the Ile River. The reconnaissance surveillance was carried out by an overground visual method from May to September 2021. Also, detailed surveys of the infestation and degree of damage to trees and shrubs by insect pests were carried out. According to the survey results, the sanitary condition of tugai forests is satisfactory. At the same time, the average degree of damage by leaf-gnawing and gall-forming pests of Populus diversifolia and Eleagnus angustifolia is more than 50%, which confirms the need for forest pathological monitoring.

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