
This study documents results from a series of field experiments on the creation of artificial updrafts and convective clouds at a test site in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The proposed method incorporates a vertically directed jet from an aircraft turbojet engine saturated with active hygroscopic aerosols for the purpose of energetically feeding the jet with water vapor condensation heat below cloud base level. This paper presents the description and main characteristics of the experimental equipment, methodology of experiments and atmospheric conditions, analysis of the obtained results, and prospects for further development of the proposed method. On the whole, the experiments showed that under the conditions of low air humidity, typical for the UAE, and the slowness of the condensation process, the replenishment of the jet energy by the heat of condensation is too small, and the power of the used jet engine in the experiments is insufficient to overcome surface temperature inversions, horizontal winds, and initiation of deep convection. Nevertheless, the results of field experiments and numerical simulation made it possible to outline promising directions for further research on improving the considered method for creating artificial clouds and precipitation.

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