
Purpose. This article presents results of the preliminary analysis of archaeological material obtained during the Kamchatka Paleolithic expedition of IAET SB RAS at the Razdelniy II site in Central Kamchatka.Results. It has been established that the earliest habitation episode of the Razdelniy II site is associated with the complex of the cultural horizon 2 dated 12,900–12,600 cal BP. Horizon’s industry is based on the micro-wedge knapping technology, the toolkit included small bifacial leaf-shaped points, transversal burins, high-shaped side-scrapers, and abrasives. The later stage of the site settlement is associated with the Early Holocene assemblage found at the cultural horizon 1, based on the utilization of prismatic cores for the production of blades, bladelets and microblades. The results of field studies indicate the existence of several vast archaeological sites in the interfluve of the Anavgay River and the Razdelniy Creek. On the Kamchatka Peninsula, the studied assemblages demonstrate full compliance with the materials of the Ushki sites, cultural layers IV and VI.Conclusion. The study made it possible to clarify the cultural and chronological sequence of the settlement of the Razdelniy II site in the late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.

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