
BACKGROUND: The issue of ensuring the reliability of internal combustion engines is a relevant composite task, solved in various directions. The important ones among them are the operation conditions, the type of fuel used, control of the motor oils condition, as well as justification of the service life of the latter. When ensuring the operational properties of engine oils of the dieselbased gas engines, the control of the main indicators of the operating oil is relevant.
 AIMS: Assessment of changes in the pollution load and alkalinity of the M10G2 oils of the dieselbased gas engines. Application of equations for the theoretical analysis of changes in the pollution concentration and decrease of alkalinity, as well as for building dependencies of oil indicators.
 METHODS: During the operation of internal combustion engines, thermochemical processes are actively developing in oils, leading to decrease in their quality due to the activation of additives and the accumulation of transformation products in oils. Mechanical impurities accumulate in the engine oil as a result of dust ingress with the sucked air or through leaks in the crankcase space, as well as due to the formation of insoluble oxidation products and wear of parts of the cylinder-piston group. The base number is a conditional measure of the oils ability to neutralize acids formed from the products of fuel combustion and oxidation of the oil base. The alkalinity specified by the presence of alkaline additives is consumed for the neutralization of acids at different rates.
 RESULTS: The process of oil aging in internal combustion engines and factors affecting the aging of engine oil are considered. Analytical equations are used to calculate changes in the pollution concentration and changes in the alkalinity of the diesel-based gas engine oil, graphical dependences of oil indicators on the service duration are given.
 CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in the fact that, using the analytical equations, the value of changes in individual properties of diesel-based gas engine oils is analyzed. Operation of the engine with the oil which base number is below the limit leads to a decrease in engine reliability, accelerated wear of individual parts, lacquer formation and sludging on piston rings and cylinders. It is not allowed to use oils with the base number below 2 mg of KOH/g.

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