
Background/Objective: The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic was held in 2021, although postponed due to the spread of COVID-19. This event might have an impact on physical activity (PA) of children and adolescents, but the national data on PA during the pandemic were not available. Therefore, the goal of the 2022 Japan Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth (The 2022 Japan Report Card) is to assess and track levels of health behaviors related to PA, and health outcomes in Japanese children and adolescents, and environments and government strategy for PA just before the pandemic. MethodsThe 2022 Japan Report Card consists of health behaviors and outcomes (8 indicators), and influences on health behaviors (4 indicators). Nationally representative data were used to score the indicators. ResultsThe key five health behaviors and outcomes (Overall PA: B−; Organized Sport: B−; Active Transportation: A−; Physical fitness: B, Weight status: A) were favorable. Sedentary Behavior and Sleep received C− and D− grades, respectively. Active Play could not be graded (INC). In the influences domain, Family and Peers was graded as C−, while School (B+), Community and Environment (B), and Government (B) were favorable. ConclusionsThe 2022 Japan Report Card shows that Japanese children and adolescents had favorable levels of overall PA, active transportation to and from school, and weight status, and there was a generally favorable environment for PA and health, though sedentary behavior and sleep were unfavorable. Future nationally representative surveys on active play are needed.

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