
During the past six years we have carried through seven multiwavelength, multisite campaigns to investigate the cause for short-term (rapid) photometric and spectroscopic variability in Be stars and assess its importance in driving the mass loss in these objects. These campaigns usually included simultaneous observations in the UV with the IUE and Voyager spacecraft and optical region with ground-based telescopes worldwide (photometry, high resolution spectroscopy, and polarimetry). Typically 10–25 observers from 5–9 countries participated. Stars that have been observed include λ Eri, ω Ori, o And, ∊ Cap, 28 Cyg, η Cen, 48 Lib, ζ Tau, ψ Per, and 2 Vul. We briefly summarize some of the results from the UV study here. Additional results from the ground-based data are given in other papers in this volume by D. Gies, M. Hahula, J. Percy, and D. McDavid.

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