
ABSTRACT Introduction: Declining physical quality, health status, and being overweight cause many college students to have physical problems. Continuous moderate-intensity exercise has become a widely used exercise method for many healthy people. Objective: Explore the outcome of continuous moderate-intensity exercise on college students' body fat rate and maximal oxygen uptake. Methods: The experiment will last for eight weeks. The control group did not practice other systematized exercises except daily physical activity and extracurricular sports. In addition to daily activities, the experimental group also performed moderate-intensity training in physical education classes. Results: In the training group, the average body fat rate decreased by 1.66%, the body fat content reduced by 1.21kg, and the skeletal muscle content increased by 1.44 compared to that before training. Vital capacity and maximal ventilatory capacity showed significant changes (P<0.05), of which maximal ventilatory capacity changed most significantly (P<0.01), from 79.63 ± 19.97L/min before the test to 98.65 ± 26.06L/min, with an average gain of 19.02L/min. Conclusion: Moderate-intensity continuous sports can effectively improve the cardiorespiratory function of current college students, increase body oxygen uptake, reduce body fat rate, and improve physical fitness, aiming to achieve a healthier physique. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigating treatment outcomes.

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