
Restructuring large housing estates in European cities: an introduction ~ Karien Dekker, Stephen Hall, Ronald van Kempen and Ivan Tosics Large housing estates in Europe: a contemporary overview ~ Karien Dekker and Ronald van Kempen Place making and large estates: theory and practice ~ Stephen Hall and Rob Rowlands Large housing estates in their historical context ~ Stephen Hall, Alan Murie and Thomas Knorr-Siedow Privitisation and after ~ Alan Murie, Ivan Tosics, Manuel Aalbers, Richard Sendi and Barbara Cernic Mali Tackling social cohesion in ethically diverse estates ~ Karien Dekker and Rob Rowlands Social mix and social perspectives in post-war housing estates ~ Roger Andersson and Sako Musterd On physical determinism and displacement effects ~ Sako Musterd and Wim Ostendorf Who leaves Sweden's large housing estates? ~ Asa Brama and Roger Andersson Demolition of large housing estates: an overview ~ Fatiha Belmessous, Franck Chignier-Riboulon, Nicole Commercon and Marcus Zepf Building partnerships in Spanish and Italian regeneration processes ~ Silvia Mugnano, Montserrat Pareja Eastaway and Teresa Tapada Berteli ~ Local participation in Spain and the Netherlands ~ Ellen van Beckhoven, Brechtje van Boxmeer and Lidia Garcia Ferrando Fighting unemployment on large housing estates: an example from Sweden ~ Lars Pettersson and Eva Oresjo Feelings of insecurity and young people in housing estates ~ Manuel Aalbers, Agnieszka Bielewska, Franck Chignier-Riboulon and Anna Guszcza Restructuring large housing estates: does gender matter? ~ Christiane Droste, Irene Molina and Francesca Zajczyk Knowledge management and enhanced policy application ~ Thomas Knorr-Siedow and Ivan Tosics Conclusions ~ Stephen Hall, Ronald van Kempen, Ivan Tosics and Karien Dekker.

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