
The 2017 expanded Mexico City Policy prohibits non-US-based nongovernmental organizations from receiving US global health assistance if they either perform or refer for abortion services. We study the effects of the expanded policy on implementing partners of US-funded HIV programming by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) via a primary survey in all recipient countries and key-informant interviews in South Africa and the Kingdom of Eswatini (May-November 2018). Survey results showed that 28percent (56 of 198) of organizations reported stopping or reducing at least one service in response to the policy. Reported service reductions included reducing the delivery of information about sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy counseling, contraception provision, and HIV testing and counseling. Interview data highlighted how these reductions were often a result of decreased patient flows or implementation of the expanded policy beyond what is required. Reductions disproportionately harmed pregnant women, youth, and key populations such as sex workers and men who have sex with men. Reduced delivery of sexual and reproductive health services has the potential to negatively affect many intended beneficiaries of PEPFAR funding, especially in areas with high HIV prevalence. Policy makers must respond to disruptions in service delivery and end any implementation that undermines US investment in high-quality HIV and sexual and reproductive health services.

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