
Let |$q$| be an odd prime power, |$n > 1$|⁠, and let |$P$| denote a maximal parabolic subgroup of |$GL_n(q)$| with Levi subgroup |$GL_{n-1}(q) \times GL_1(q)$|⁠. We restrict the odd-degree irreducible characters of |$GL_n(q)$| to |$P$| to discover a natural correspondence of characters, both for |$GL_n(q)$| and |$SL_n(q)$|⁠. A similar result is established for certain finite groups with self-normalizing Sylow |$p$|-subgroups. Next, we construct a canonical bijection between the odd-degree irreducible characters of |$G = {\sf S}_n$|⁠, |$GL_n(q)$| or |$GU_n(q)$| with |$q$| odd, and those of |${\mathbf N}_{G}(P)$|⁠, where |$P$| is a Sylow |$2$|-subgroup of |$G$|⁠. Since our bijections commute with the action of the absolute Galois group over the rationals, we conclude that the fields of values of character correspondents are the same. We use this to answer some questions of R. Gow.

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