
AbstractAnn×npartial Latin squarePis calledα-dense if each row and column has at mostαnnon-empty cells and each symbol occurs at mostαntimes inP. Ann×narrayAwhere each cell contains a subset of {1,…,n} is a (βn,βn, βn)-array if each symbol occurs at mostβntimes in each row and column and each cell contains a set of size at mostβn. Combining the notions of completing partial Latin squares and avoiding arrays, we prove that there are constantsα,β> 0 such that, for every positive integern, ifPis anα-densen×npartial Latin square,Ais ann×n (βn, βn, βn)-array, and no cell ofPcontains a symbol that appears in the corresponding cell ofA, then there is a completion ofPthat avoidsA; that is, there is a Latin squareLthat agrees withPon every non-empty cell ofP, and, for eachi,jsatisfying 1 ≤i,j≤n, the symbol in position (i,j) inLdoes not appear in the corresponding cell ofA.

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