
Rigorous coupled-channel quantum scattering calculations on molecular collisions in external fields are computationally demanding due to the need to account for a large number of coupled channels and multiple total angular momenta J of the collision complex. We show that by restricting the total angular momentum basis to include only the states with helicities K ≤ Kmax, it is possible to obtain accurate elastic and inelastic cross sections for low-temperature He + CaH, Li + CaH, and Li + SrOH collisions in the presence of an external magnetic field at a small fraction of the computational cost of the full coupled-channel calculations (where K is the projection of the molecular rotational angular momentum on the atom-diatom axis). The optimal size of the truncated helicity basis set depends on the mechanism of the inelastic process and on the magnitude of the external magnetic field, with the minimal basis set (Kmax = 0) producing quantitatively accurate results for, e.g., ultracold Li + CaH and Li + SrOH scattering at low magnetic fields, leading to nearly 90-fold gain in computational efficiency. Larger basis sets are required to accurately describe the resonance structure in the magnetic field dependence of Li + CaH and Li + SrOH inelastic cross sections in the few partial wave-regime as well as indirect spin relaxation in He + CaH collisions. Our calculations indicate that the resonance structure is due to an interplay of the spin-rotation and Coriolis couplings between the basis states of different K and the couplings between the rotational states of the same K induced by the anisotropy of the interaction potential.

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