
Charges derived from fitting a classical Coulomb model to quantum mechanical molecular electrostatic potentials (so called ESP-charges) are frequently used in simulations of macromolecules. Simulational methods that use ESP-charges generally reproduce the geometries of hydrogen bonded complexes, despite the fact that these charges are known to overestimate the strengths of these interactions. Through the use of a restraint function during the fitting of the partial charges to the electrostatic potentials the magnitudes of the charges may be attenuated (so called RESP-charges). For the AMBER force field RESP-charges have been proposed for proteins and nucleic acids. Here we examine a novel approach for determining the RESP-charges for carbohydrates based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of crystal structures. During a simulation, the crystallographic unit cell geometry is sensitive to both inter-molecular non-bonded forces and internal torsional rotations. However, for polar molecules, and specifically carbohydrates, the crystal geometries are particularly sensitive to the set of partial atomic charges employed in the simulation. Thus, given a force field in which the van der Waals and torsion terms are well parameterized, it is possible to assess the suitability of a set of partial charges by monitoring the properties of the crystal during an MD simulation. We have examined several charge sets for use with the GLYCAM parameters for carbohydrate and glycoprotein simulations and found that a restraint weight of 0.01 gives the best agreement with the neutron diffraction structure of α- d-glucopyranose. Unrestrained ESP-charges performed poorly as did the charges obtained from Mulliken and distributed multipole analyses of the quantum mechanical HF/6-31G ∗ wavefunctions.

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