
Abstract In southwestern US forests, the combined impact of climate change and increased fuel loads due to more than a century of human‐caused fire exclusion is leading to larger and more severe wildfires. Restoring frequent fire to dry conifer forests can mitigate high‐severity fire risk, but the effects of these treatments on the vegetation composition and structure under projected climate change remain uncertain. We used a forest landscape model to assess the impact of thinning and prescribed burns in dry conifer forests across an elevation gradient, encompassing low‐elevation pinyon‐juniper woodlands, mid‐elevation ponderosa pine and high‐elevation mixed‐conifer forests. Our results demonstrated that the treatments decreased the probability of high‐severity fires by 42% in the study area. At low elevation, the treatments did not prevent loss in forest cover and biomass with decreases in Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma abundances. At mid‐elevation, changes in fire effects maintained a greater diversity of tree species by favouring the maintenance of cohorts of old trees, in particular Pinus ponderosa which accumulated 5.41 Mg ha−1 more above‐ground biomass than without treatments by late‐century. Treatments in dry conifer forests modified fire effects beyond the treated area, resulting in increased cover and biomass of old Picea englemannii and Abies lasiocarpa cohorts. Synthesis and applications: Our findings indicate that thinning and prescribed burning can enhance tree species diversity in dry conifer forests by protecting old cohorts from stand‐replacing fires. Moreover, our results suggest that treatments mainly implemented in dry pine forests with high risk of high‐severity fires can be beneficial for subalpine species conservation by reducing the chance that high‐severity fire at mid‐elevation is transmitted into high‐elevation forest.

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