
Stroke survivors with chronic paralysis often have difficulties to perform various activities of daily living (ADLs), such as preparing a meal or eating and drinking independently. Recently, it was shown that a brain/neural hand exoskeleton can restore hand and finger function, but many stroke survivors suffer from motor deficits affecting their whole upper limb. Therefore, novel hybrid electroencephalography/electrooculography (EEG/EOG)-based brain/neural control paradigms were developed for guiding a whole-arm exoskeleton. It was unclear, however, whether hemiplegic stroke survivors are able to reliably use such brain/neural-controlled device. Here, we tested feasibility, safety, and user-friendliness of EEG/EOG-based brain/neural robotic control across five hemiplegic stroke survivors engaging in a drinking task that consisted of several subtasks (e.g., reaching, grasping, manipulating, and drinking). Reliability was assumed when at least 75% of subtasks were initialized within 3 s. Fluent control was assumed if average “time to initialize” each subtask ranged below 3 s. System's safety and user-friendliness were rated using Likert-scales. All chronic stroke patients were able to operate the system reliably and fluently. No undesired side effects were reported. Four participants rated the system as very user-friendly. These results show that chronic stroke survivors are capable of using an EEG/EOG-controlled semiautonomous whole-arm exoskeleton restoring ADLs.

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