
1. Restorative Justice as a Contested Response to Conflict and the Challenge of the Transitional Context: An Introduction (Kerry Clamp) 2.Clearing the Conceptual Haze: Restorative Justice Concepts in Transitional Settings (Kerry Clamp) 3. Exploring Restorative Justice in Situations of Political Violence: The Case of Ex-combatants in Colombia (Isabella Bueno, Stephan Parmentier and Elmar Weitekamp) 4. Restorative Justice and Reconciliation: The Missing Link in Transitional Justice (Wendy Lambourne) 5. Stalking the State: The State as a Stakeholder in Post-Conflict Restorative Justice (Jonathan Doak) 6. Participation as Restoration: The Current Limits of Restorative Justice for Victim Participants in International Criminal Trials (Ray Nickson) 7. Working across Frontiers in Northern Ireland: The Contribution of Community-based Restorative Justice to Security and Justice in Local Communities (Tim Chapman and Hugh Campbell) 8. Restorative Justice in Transitions: The Problem of `The Community' and Collective Responsibility (Ami Harbin and Jennifer Llewellyn) 9. Harmonising Global Criminal Justice for Peacebuilding (Mark Findlay) 10. Learning to Scale up Restorative Justice (Jonathan Braithwaite) 11. When does Transitional Justice Begin and End? Colonised Peoples, Liberal Democracies and Restorative Justice (Chris Cunneen) 12. Towards a Transformative Vision of Restorative Justice for Transitional Contexts: Some Concluding Thoughts (Kerry Clamp)

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