
Objective: Objective study This is the application of restorative justice to resolving sexual crimes in the city of Medan. One important aspect of implementing restorative justice is the development of a different mindset in the justice system. This system rejects the conventional view, which only views the perpetrator as the object of punishment and the victim as the party who has the right to obtain justice through sanctions against the perpetrator. In contrast, a restorative approach sees perpetrators as individuals who can take responsibility for their actions and have the potential to improve themselves. Apart from that, victims are also considered an integral part of the recovery process, and the community is given a more active role in supporting this process. Methods: As for the method of study This is a qualitative study, and research qualitative is a research method used to understand social phenomena in depth. The researcher used a case study because it allowed them to gain a deep understanding of the context, process, and complexity of the phenomenon being studied. Type study This possible researcher will dig for perspective, experience, and possible meaning hidden in the data collected related to restorative justice in resolving sexual crimes in the city of Medan. Then the researcher analyzes or draws an interesting conclusion to find an answer from the researchers thorough. Conclusions: Results from the study show that the implementation of restorative justice for sexual harassment cases in Medan faces a number of challenges involving complexity, sensitivity, and perceptions of justice. Findings from observations and interviews with court officials show that the use of restorative justice in this context is still rarely adopted. The main factors causing this low adoption involve the complexity of sexual assault cases, a lack of understanding of restorative justice, and concerns about the safety and protection of victims.

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