
This study examines the use of restorative justice in dealing with land crimes at Police level. Land disputes that were originally civil often turn criminal. Various crimes on land are often under the jurisdiction of the South Sulawesi Regional Police. This study aims to identify and analyze the approach of restorative justice in solving land crimes as a police discretion and the implementation of restorative justice in solving land crimes by Indonesian National Police investigators. The restorative justice approach is part of the Polices discretion to deal with land crimes. The discretion given to police organizations cannot be separated from the universal nature of police law enforcement. This approach empowers the police to explore community values in solving land crimes through restorative justice. Among other things the negotiation of peace between victims and perpetrators of crimes on earth. The application of restorative justice in dealing with crimes on land is carried out through discussions between the complainant and the reported mediated by Indonesian National Police investigators. Afterwards the record of the peace agreement was signed and the report to the police station was cancelled. The application of restorative justice to land crimes aims to restore social cohesion in society. Cohesive values of unity become fragile when legal issues are passed over to pro-justice.

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