
The Winnebago System, Wisconsin, is home to one of the largest Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in North America. Although there are >50 known spawning sites utilized by Lake Sturgeon in the 200 km of the lower Wolf River upstream of Lake Winnebago, the construction of two dams >90 years ago eliminated the ability of Lake Sturgeon to access 18.5 km of river up to their ancestral spawning grounds below Keshena Falls. Given the cultural importance of sturgeon to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, expanded efforts aimed at restoring Lake Sturgeon spawning and a resident population to the upper Wolf River commenced in 2011. To meet these objectives, 100 or more Lake Sturgeon per year were captured below the dams, and transferred upstream to the Wolf River within the Menominee Reservation. All transferred fish were PIT tagged and 245 fish were surgically implanted with 10 year acoustic transmitters to determine spawning locations and monitor post-release movement. The first five transfer cohorts contained 621 Lake Sturgeon, with spawning activity observed below Keshena Falls each spring following release. Gravid fish transferred within 3 weeks of spawning exhibited higher spawning rates above the upstream dam (70.2% females; 73.9% males) than gravid fish transferred in late fall (41.8% females; 41.2% males). Spawning documented below Keshena Falls and within the Red River represent the first spawning activity at these locations in >100 years. Lake Sturgeon transferred in early fall displayed higher retention rates, 2-5 years post-tagging, in the pool upstream of both dams (10.4%) compared to the late fall (3.1%) and spring transfers (7.4%). Natural reproduction was documented through capture of larval Lake Sturgeon immediately below Keshena Falls in 2013. These results demonstrate that capture and transfer can be utilized as a cost-effective and biologically-effective tool for Lake Sturgeon spawning stock and population restoration.

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