
The 5′ region of potato virus X (PVX) RNA contains a stem-loop structure, stem-loop 1 (SL1), that is required for efficient plus-strand RNA accumulation. To determine how changes to individual elements in SL1 are accommodated by the virus, we inoculated PVX transcripts containing modifications in the terminal tetraloop (TL), stem C (SC), and stem D (SD) regions ontoNicotiana benthamianaplants and analyzed progeny RNAs over a series of passages. Several progeny RNAs isolated from plants inoculated with the TL mutants containing changes to the first nucleotide of the GAAA motif or deletion of the entire TL sequence were found to contain multiple A insertions within the terminal loop region. The wild-type TL motif, GAAA, was recovered for all TL mutants by the second passage, suggesting that the sequence and potential structure of this element are crucial for PVX infection. Revertant RNAs isolated from plants inoculated with mutants in SD and the central region of SC indicated that increased stem length is tolerated. Restoration of SD length to the 4 bp typical of the wild-type PVX RNA was accompanied by A insertion into loop C. Mutants with a conversion of the C55–C78 mismatch to a G–C pair, relocation of this mismatch within the central region of SC, or deletion of C55–C78 were unable to infect protoplasts and plants. In contrast, the mutant with a conversion of the C55–C78 mismatch to an A–C mismatch, which exhibited low levels of PVX plus-strand RNA in protoplasts, was able to infect plants and quickly reverted to the wild-type C–C mismatch. These data indicate that important sequence and secondary structural elements within SL1 are required for efficient viral infection and that multiple A insertions within the TL and loop C regions, potentially by polymerase stuttering, accompany restoration of SL1 structure.

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