
Abstract. Hossen S, Hossain MK, Uddin MF. 2019. Restoration and rehabilitation potential of the remnant natural forests of Himchari National Park (HNP) in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Asian J For 3 : 25-30. The present study was conducted by taking 51 stratified random sample quadrats (20 m x 20 m), where, naturally occupied vegetation (dbh ≥ 5cm) was found in maximum (16 plot, 31%) number of plots. The highest number of regenerated seedlings was accounted for Grewia nervosa 12.37 % followed by Acacia auriculiformis 8.95%. For regeneration study, 5 m × 5 m subplots were taken at the centre of each of the 51 sample quadrats and thus a total of 51 regeneration subplots were studied. The maximum Importance Value Index (IVI) of regenerated seedlings was found for Grewia nervosa (26.43) followed by Acacia auriculiformis (20.27). Different biological diversity indices such as species diversity index, Shanon-Wiener’s diversity index, Shanon’s maximum diversity index, species evenness index, Margalef’s diversity index and Simpson’s diversity index were 0.054, 3.166, 3.714, 0.853, 6.03 and 0.057 respectively. Maximum natural regeneration was observed in the sample plots of Natural and plantation forest type rather than remnant natural forests or patches. Based on result, the following research outputs are also recommended: (i). Evaluation of forest harvesting impacts on the forest ecosystems, (ii). Development of rehabilitation methods on logged-over forests and degraded forest lands, (iii). Development of silvicultural techniques on plantation and degraded lands, (iv). Network on the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded forest ecosystems.

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