
This article reviews common sleep-related movement disorders, including their clinical description, epidemiology, pathophysiology (if known), and evaluation and management strategies. This article will provide the reader with a good foundation for approaching concerns that are suggestive of sleep-related movement disorders to properly evaluate and manage these conditions. α2δ Ligands, such as gabapentin enacarbil, can be used for the initial treatment of restless legs syndrome (RLS) or in those who cannot tolerate, or have developed augmentation to, dopamine agonists. Another option is the rotigotine patch, which has a 24-hour treatment window and may be beneficial for those who have developed augmentation with short-acting dopamine agonists. IV iron can improve RLS symptoms even in those whose serum ferritin level is between 75 ng/mL and 100 ng/mL. At serum ferritin levels greater than 75 ng/mL, oral iron will likely have minimal absorption or little effect on the improvement of RLS. Research has found an association between RLS and cardiovascular disease, particularly in people who have periodic limb movements of sleep. RLS is the most common sleep-related movement disorder. Its pathophysiology is likely a combination of central iron deficiency, dopamine overproduction, and possibly cortical excitation. Treatment includes oral or IV iron. Dopaminergic medications can be very effective but often lead to augmentation, which limits their long-term use. Other sleep-related movement disorders to be aware of are sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder, nocturnal muscle cramps, sleep-related propriospinal myoclonus, sleep bruxism, and benign myoclonus of infancy.

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