
This exploratory study aimed to investigate the resting-state electroencephalographic (rsEEG) correlates of the cognitive reserve from a life span perspective. Current source density (CSD) and lagged-linear connectivity (LLC) measures were assessed to this aim. We firstly explored the relationship between rsEEG measures for the different frequency bands and a socio-behavioral proxy of cognitive reserve, the Cognitive Reserve Index (CRI). Secondly, we applied moderation analyses to assess whether any of the correlated rsEEG measures showed a moderating role in the relationship between age and cognitive function. Moderate negative correlations were found between the CRI and occipital CSD of delta and beta 2. Moreover, inter- and intrahemispheric LLC measures were correlated with the CRI, showing a negative association with delta and positive associations with alpha 1, beta 1, and beta 2. Among those correlated measures, just two rsEEG variables were significant moderators of the relationship between age and cognition: occipital delta CSD and right hemispheric beta 2 LLC between occipital and limbic regions. The effect of age on cognitive performance was stronger for higher values of both measures. Therefore, lower values of occipital delta CSD and lower beta 2 LLC between right occipital and limbic regions might protect or compensate for the effects of age on cognition. Results of this exploratory study might be helpful to allocate more preventive efforts to curb the progression of cognitive decline in adults with less CR, possibly characterized by these rsEEG parameters at a neural level. However, given the exploratory nature of this study, more conclusive work on these rsEEG measures is needed to firmly establish their role in the cognition–age relationship, for example, verifying if these measures moderate the relationship between brain structure and cognition.

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