
The Student attendance at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication University of Semarang is data that can support in academic activities. validity and realbility of the attendance data become obstacles in academic activities. So, Required attendance system that can prevent the occurrence of cheating attendance, facilitate lecturers to recap student attendance and facilitate administrative staff to recap lecturers’s attendance. In this research, student attendance system is made with two platforms, there are web based platform and platform based on android. Restful web service with JSON format is used to build communication between both platforms. In the attendence system android based, QRCode's Reader is used to read student QRCode cards to save attendance data. student dan lecture attendance can be monitored through attendance system web based. The attendance system test is done by testing all of the features and complexity of the algorithm with cyclomatic complexity. The test results show that all features can be used without error and cyclomatic complexity value show that algorithm of the attendance system is easy to understand, easy to test and easy to maintain.


  • data that can support in academic activities

  • Required attendance system that can prevent the occurrence of cheating attendance

  • student attendance system is made with two platforms

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Penelitian Terkait

QRCode telah banyak digunakan pada penelitian sebelumnya untuk identifikasi. Untuk membaca kode QR Code diperlukan QR Code Reader atau QR Code Scanner. Saat ini , QR Code tidak hanya dapat menyimpan data teks. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh M Pasca Nugraha dan Rinaldi Munir, QR Code dapat menyimpan data gambar dan membaca data gambar tersebut dengan QR Code Reader [8]. Penggunaan Restful Web Service telah dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Diantaranya, untuk monitoring sistem drainase, data debit air dan curah hujan dikirm secara realtime dari sensor ke web server. Agar komunikasi dapat berjalan maka diperlukan Restful Web Service melalui link Http[2]. Penelitian mengenai Rest-API juga telah dilakukan untuk portal akademik UKDW berbasis android. Data disimpan dan diambil dari database server sehingga diperlukan Rest-API agar komunikasi antar kedua platform tersebut dapat berjalan[10]

Metode Penelitian
11-20 Prosedur yang banyak sedang dan kompleks
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