
The road network has economic and social importance, through which products flow and people move, which is why it must always be maintained. The objective of this study is to describe the asphalt restoration process using Hot Machined Bituminous Concrete (CBUQ) in the resurfacing of the asphalt road in the Gavião Peixoto - Nova Pauliceia – Nova Europa section. Bibliographic research was carried out with a case study. It was possible to observe the execution activities of repairs located superficially or deeply, with the sealing of cracks and/or hole filling operations, connection painting, and resurfacing with a 5.0 cm layer of Hot Machined Bituminous Concrete (CBUQ ) focus of this study. With this process it was possible to reinforce the coating, offering better rolling comfort conditions for users and at the same time protecting and improving the pavement structure.

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