
With the development of web 2.0 and the rapid diffusion of smart devices, current web service, which only provides very limited information and service, has been transformed into user-friendly and comprehensive web service called mash-up service. Mash-up service is defined as comprehensive service that is created by combining variety of web services. When composing a mesh-up service, Open API is used as web service interface. Current mash-up service, however, has fundamental problem in that it could not satisfy the various needs of users who want I-centric personalized service because it is developed and provided by service developers. To overcome these obstacles, a lot of studies on mesh-up framework are being performed for improving mash-up proess though, it is still in beginning stage. In this paper, we introduce an API selection and compostion method as the key technology for mesh-up framework that support the automatic creation of mesh-up service.

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