
The acute phase response (APR) is characterized by proteolysis with decreased body cell mass, hyperglycemia, body water retention and renal dysfunction, which we hypothesised could affect magnesium serum levels. The aim of this study was to compare serum magnesium levels among hospitalized patients with or without APR. All serum magnesium results (n = 527) corresponding to a six-months period were searched at University Hospital mainframe. Relevant laboratorial and clinical details were also registered. All cases of diabetes mellitus, chronic renal insufficiency, or serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl were excluded. APR was defined by the presence of fever plus severe trauma or infection plus leukopenia or leukocytosis. From a total of 214 patients, sixty-nine (32.2%) met the criteria for APR positivity (APR [symbol: see text]). Groups were paired for age, color, gender, diuretic use and edema presence. Hypomagnesemia was registered among 72% of cases, without statistical difference (p = 0.06) among APR [symbol: see text] and APR theta patients (63.8 vs 75.9%). Serum magnesium levels (median; range) were higher among APR [symbol: see text] cases, when compared to APR theta ones: 1.75; 1-3 vs 1.6; 0.9-2.9 m/dl, the same occurring with glycemia (115; 49-236 vs 99; 61-191 mg/dl) and serum creatinine (mean +/- SD): 0.8840 +/- 306 vs 0.803 +/- 0.257 mg/dl. Hypermagnesemia was more common among APR [symbol: see text] cases: 8.7 vs 2.1%. Our results suggest that higher magnesium serum levels seen in APR [symbol: see text] patients may be attributed to subclinical renal ischemia and possibly to increased glucose serum levels.


  • All serum magnesium results (n=527) corresponding to a six-months period were searched at University Hospital mainframe

  • acute phase response (APR) was defined by the presence of fever plus severe trauma or infection plus leukopenia or leukocytosis

  • Indian J Med Sci 1993; 47: 119-23

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Artigo Original

Trabalho realizado na Disciplina de Nutrologia - Departamento de Clínica Médica -Hospital Escola da Faculdade de Medicina do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG. A resposta de fase aguda (RFA), caracteriza-se por proteólise, com hipotrofia da massa celular corporal, hiperglicemia, retenção hídrica e disfunção renal, fenômenos que potencialmente afetam os níveis de magnésio (Mg++) sérico. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os níveis séricos de Mg++ entre pacientes hospitalizados, com ou sem RFA. Pacientes RFA⊕ apresentam maiores níveis de magnésio sérico, fenômeno possivelmente relacionado com aumentos da glicemia, uréia e creatinina séricas. Em pacientes com RFA internados no CTI do Hospital-Escola da FMTM, a hipomagnesemia ocorre em 63,4% dos casos, número similar ao descrito por Rysen et al.[10] em pacientes com níveis normais de creatinina sérica. O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os níveis séricos de magnésio e a freqüência de hipomagnesemia entre pacientes hospitalizados, com ou sem RFA

Devido a influência que a função renal exerce
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