
Growth, productivity and responsiveness of some tropical trees such as Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia catechu, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia procera, Cassia nodosa, Cassia siamea, Gliricidia sepium, Pongamia pinnata, Samanea saman and Tamarindus indica in nursery conditions. Seedlings of these leguminous tree species were grown in polybags and inoculated with the mixed inocula of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Percent root colonization varied from 37% to 95%. The highest percent root colonization was recorded in the roots of A. auriculiformis, and the lowest was in the roots of P. pinnata (37%). Vesicular colonization was recorded 17% to 92%. The highest was recorded in C. siamea (92%) and the lowest was in A. procera (11%). Arbuscular colonization was recorded 45-100%. The highest arbuscular colonization was recorded in A. auriculiformis (100%) and the lowest was in S. saman (45%) The growth response of the seedlings such as the root collar diameter, root length, root biomass, shoot height, shoot fresh weight and dry weight were increased. Percent increased collar diameter, root length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot height, shoot height, shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight varied from 3.49% to 46.72%, 5.96% to 23.93%, 7.63% to 69.50%, 2.12% to 63.78%, 3.26% to59.53%,0.51% to62.76%, and 1.27% to 50.61% respectively. The highest percent increased collar diameter, root length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot height, shoot height, shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight were recorded in S. saman, S. saman, C. nodosa, S. saman, and C. nodosa respectively. Differential efficiency of mycorrhizal colonization and stimulation of the host to a significant growth response to the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization were observed .

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