
Purpose: The objective of this study is to assess and appraise the efficacy of responsive law enforcement in the context of preventing and eliminating illegal mining activities in Indonesia.
 Theoretical Framework: The mining industry plays a significant role in contributing to the national income. However, it is vital to acknowledge that mining activities can also have adverse effects on the environment, natural resource conservation, and even the overall economy of a country. One of the mining enterprises that can potentially give rise to these issues is unauthorized mining.
 Methods: Illegal mining is a transgressive activity that encompasses the essential components of a penal offense, hence necessitating the involvement of law enforcement agencies to safeguard the long-term viability of development in Indonesia. This study employs the Normative Research Method, specifically utilizing library materials as primary data sources in the science field. These materials are categorized as secondary data, and the research approach adopted is library research.
 Results: The findings of this study demonstrate the significant ramifications of illicit mining activities in Indonesia across three primary dimensions: economic, environmental, and social. The economic impact includes loss of state revenue and unfairness in business competition. Environmental impacts include ecosystem degradation, water and soil pollution, and threats to biodiversity.
 Conclusions: To overcome this problem, a responsive law enforcement approach is needed, including community involvement, flexibility in handling situations, prevention and education, transparency, collaboration, and adequate sanctions. With collaboration between government, communities, and stakeholders, Indonesia can achieve sustainable and equitable development while tackling illegal mining.

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