
As one of the most significant contributors of plastic waste in the world, plastic waste pollution in Indonesia's oceans is an example of the dangers caused by plastic waste to human health, the environment and marine biota. The aims of this research are: 1) to analyse the responsibilities of local governments regarding the management of plastic waste which damages marine biota in the Kalaki Beach Area, Bima Regency. 2) Analyzing the implementation of the Bima Bay area's implementation of plastic waste handling by the Bima Regency Government. The type of research used is empirical legal research with a legislative approach, a conceptual approach and a legal sociology approach. The technique for collecting legal materials and data was carried out using interviews and document study methods. The research results conclude that the Regional Government's responsibility is based on UUPPLH, provincial governments, and district/city governments, which have the authority to form environmental management institutions that carry out management and assessment of the environment. Two steps can be taken in handling this: preventive steps, which can be taken by managing waste, building a waste bank, planting mango trees, providing rubbish bins, and carrying out outreach activities. Repressive steps can be taken by imposing sanctions on violators of regulations and also regional cooperation.

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