
The response of selected rotifers and cladocerans to Microcystis aeruginosa, offered as colonies and single cells, was compared to that on a diet of Chlorella vulgaris using the life table demography approach. The test zooplankton species were Simocephalus vetulus, Daphnia carinata, Moina macrocopa, Scapholeberis kingi, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Brachionus calyciflorus and Hexarthra mira. To detect the development of resistance to toxins from Microcystis in zooplankton, in addition to the laboratory cultured strain of Ceriodaphnia cornuta, another strain of the same species was also used (designated as C. cornuta 2, this was collected from a pond containing Microcystis and cultured in the laboratory on Chlorella for a few weeks prior to experimentation). Experiments were conducted at 20 °C and 30 °C. Survivorship was high on Chlorella in most species but low on diets of Microcystis. Except for C. cornuta 2, S. kingi and S. vetulus, all other test species were adversely affected by Microcystis. The ability to utilise Microcystis improved at 30 °C in M. macrocopa, D. carinata and H. mira. The longest mean lifespan was recorded for C. cornuta 2 (25.3 ± 4.86 d) and the lowest for B. calyciflorus (0.58 ± 0.05 d). The highest net reproductive rate was observed for C. cornuta 1 (44.9 ± 4.88) and the longest generation time of 26.6 ± 2.13 d for S. vetulus. Among the cladocerans that showed positive values of population growth rate (r), M. macrocopa had the highest of 0.96 ± 0.04 per day.

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