
A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of varying nitrogen (N) supply andirrigation methods on the root growth and distribution of maize (Zea mays L.) in Wuwei,northwest China in 2011 and 2012. The irrigation treatments included alternate furrow irrigation(AI), fixed furrow irrigation (FI) and conventional furrow irrigation (CI). The N supply treatmentsincluded alternate N supply (AN), fixed N supply (FN) and conventional N supply (CN), wereapplied at each irrigation method. The root growth across the plant row was measured in 0-100 cmsoil profile (20 cm as an interval) at maturity. The results showed that root distribution of twosides of the row was uniform for AI or CI coupled with CN or AN. Root length density (RLD) in0-40 cm soil depth was significantly increased by AI compared to other irrigation methods whiledecreased by FN compared to other N supply treatments. Though RLD decreased more with soillayer deepening under AI, RLD in 60-100 cm soil depth in AI treatment was still larger than thatin CI and FI treatments. In general, total fine root (diametersurface area, and grain yield of maize were significantly increased by AI coupled with CN or ANwhen compared to other treatments. These results indicate that alternate partial root zone irrigationcoupled with conventional or alternate nitrogen supply is useful to improve the root growth andgrain yield of maize in the arid area.

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