
The ability of spleen, bone marrow, and thymus cells of intact and adrenalectomized CBA mice, and of CBA mice receiving single or repeated doses of hydrocortisone, to induce a lymph node “graft versus host” reaction (GVHR) in (CBA×C57BL)F1 hybrids was determined. The ability of the spleen and bone marrow cells to induce GVHR was increased two days after administration of 2.5 mg hydrocortisone, whereas the ability of the thymus cells was unchanged. Seven days and, in particular, 15 days after injection of hydrocortisone, the spleen cells were less active. Activity of the thymocytes in GVHR was increased two days after repeated daily injections of the hormone in a dose of 0.25 mg for 18 days, whereas activity of the spleen and bone marrow cells was unchanged.

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