
Animals respond to novel stimuli via explorative or neophobic behavior or both. The coexistence of these responses toward novel foods may be a successful adaptive strategy for a generalist species such as Cebus apella, because it allows the gradual introduction of new foods into the diet and reduces the risk of poisoning by ingestion of large amounts of toxic compounds (Glander, 1982; Milton, 1993; Visalberghi, 1994). Neophobia has been studied mostly in captivity. We investigated responsiveness to novelty in a group of 25–30 wild tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) in Iguazu National Park (Argentina). They had been habituated to visiting sites where bananas were provided on three elevated platforms. We presented novel stimuli on an adjacent platform. There were 4 experimental conditions with 10 sessions each: the Novel Food condition, the Novel Object condition, the Control condition, in which the platform was empty, and the Banana condition. In the Novel Food and Novel Object conditions, a new stimulus—food or object—was on the platform during each session. The Banana condition provided information on capuchin response to a familiar preferred food. Overall, capuchins were less responsive toward novel objects than toward novel foods; however, although cautious, they ate small amounts of the novel foods. Age affected individual responsiveness toward novel foods, whereas sex affected responsiveness toward novel objects. Capuchins ignored the empty platform. Our findings are in agreement with the idea that tufted capuchins can adapt to new habitats by gradually exploiting new food sources.

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