
In our paper we supposed that the Paleozoic ages of the Bixiling eclogitic garnets by 40Ar/ 39Ar crushing in vacuo were related to the UHP metamorphism. Zhao and Gao [Zhao Z.-F. and Gao T.-S. (2007) Comment on “Paleozoic ages and excess 40Ar in garnets from the Bixiling eclogite in Dabieshan, China:Newinsights from 40Ar/ 39Ar dating by stepwise crushing” by Qiu and Wijbrans (2006). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(24), 6046–6050] dispute our conclusions and re-interpret them as “the age of garnet growth by low-T/HP blueschist/eclogite-facies metamorphism of the UHP eclogite precursor during arc-continent collision in the early Paleozoic” without presenting any new petrological evidence. Based on our present understanding of 40Ar/ 39Ar crushing technique and petrological observations, we do not agree with their re-interpretation and still prefer our original interpretation.

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