
The course of infection in C57BL/6J mice re-infected with Brachylaima cribbi was assessed by comparing faecal egg excretion of re-infected mice with age- and sex-matched mice receiving a primary infection only. For both male and female mice there was a significant reduction in the mean number of eggs per gram of faeces at the peak of infection 4 weeks after the challenge infection compared with mice receiving a primary infection only. There was no significant difference in the duration of the infection. This experiment was repeated using age-matched male mice but on this occasion all mice were killed and dissected 4 weeks after the challenge infection and mean eggs per gram of faeces, worm burden and fecundity determined. There was no significant difference in the worm burdens of the re-infected mice compared with age-matched animals receiving a primary infection only. However, there were significant differences in the mean faecal eggs per gram and worm fecundity with the challenge infection group having lower egg counts and reduced fecundity. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using whole worm antigens was developed and used to determine mouse anti- B. cribbi serum antibody levels during the course of infection. Anti- B. cribbi serum antibody absorbance ratios increased six- to sevenfold by 4 weeks after a primary infection beyond which a constant level was maintained. The course of challenge infection in non-obese diabetic severe combined immunodeficient mice showed no significant differences in egg excretion, worm burden or fecundity when primary and challenge infections were compared. These results indicate that the immune response invoked by a previous B. cribbi infection in immunocompetent mice affects fecundity but does not affect the establishment or duration of infection.

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