
Durum wheat accounts for more than 50% of the total wheat-growing area in the Mediterranean region, where is used for the preparation of diverse food products, including pasta and bread. The effects of drought and heat stresses on grain morphology, grain composition (protein, iron and zinc micronutrients), processing and pasta and bread-making quality in durum wheat varieties were analyzed. The results revealed significant differences among the genotypes, as well as unique responses to the environmental stresses. Micronutrients concentration (iron and zinc), processing and pasta-making quality was favored by drought but not by heat stress. Overall, the durum wheat lines showed inferior values for bread volume compared to the bread-wheat checks. However, some durum genotypes in specific environment had almost the same performance. To develop durum wheat cultivars with similar bread-making quality to that of bread wheat, it is necessary to achieve a better balance of tenacity and extensibility. The development of durum lines with good bread-making quality could increase the commercial value of this crop.

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