
The case Professor Alexander poses at the beginning of his rejoinder, that of the intentionally drunken officer, is a variant of a familiar problem. One does something, usually ingesting drugs or alcohol voluntarily, which then makes one's, subsequent behavior involuntary. Alexander's case is slightly different in that the officer intentionally gets drunk with the further intention (as part of the course of action) of sinking the Bismarck. Why is this a problem for my analysis? He proposes three escape routes from his argument (though I confess, I'm not sure what I'm escaping from). In discussing the second route, he seems to concede that my analysis would work for his counter example since . . the officer's past voluntary acts led him to be where he was when the wave caused him to lose his balance. But, he goes on, . . This route will not allow us to distinguish cases of proper strict liability and negligence liability from cases of no liability due to the absence of a voluntary act. Why not? The issue is the existence of an independently specifiable act or course of action or voluntary omission preceding an involuntary motion that somehow makes us responsible for the involuntary motion. Let us take an example. Suppose one reads but ignores a clear warning label on drugs, then operates a vehicle, then--lapsing into unconsciousness--injures someone. Surely, this is a case of negligence. Following my analysis, it requires the injurious consequence and an act intentional under a variety of descriptions (taking medication, ignoring the directions, and so on) carried out in a proscribed manner, that is, violative of a duty of due care. In the involuntary motion cases, there is no series of prior voluntary acts which we could specify and would characterize as negligence. Of course, all involuntary motions are preceded by various voluntary acts. But not all are preceded by a series of such acts which both cause those involuntary motions to cause injury and are done in a negligent manner. Alexander offers no argument that we cannot distinguish cases of negligence from what Holmes calls no act cases, only the naked assertion that we cannot. But the above approach, following my discussion of negligence in the paper, seems clearly to do that. The one example Alexander does offer as counterargument is the strict liability case, the one in which sinking the Bismarck is a strict liability offense. Note first that this offense is defined by a consequence alone. Typically, this is not how strict liability offenses are defined. Rather, they are constituted by a course of action producing death, injury, or property damage, such as manufacturing impure drugs or causing injury while doing demolition work. …

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