
This study was done to evaluated the PGPMs (Rhizobium ciceri CP-93 + Azospirillum brasilense + Trichoderma harzianum. + Pseudomonas fluorescence + Bacillus megaterium) + 25% chemical fertilizer under salinity stress for four levels. S0 ((2.7 − 3.4) dS/m, S1(4.5 − 5), S2 (7 − 9) and S3 (10 − 15) dS/m. Field and laboratory experiments were carried out in the plant protection directorate/ministry of agriculture/Abu-ghreeb/Baghdad. In 2018 - 2019, using IPA 99 wheat cultivar. laboratory Experiment demonstrated, the ability of the microorganisms used in this study, to growth and survive normally and similar to the control treatment under salinity stress in vitro for three concentration of drainage water (5, 10, 15) dS/cm. Results of field experiment showed, T6 (Rhizobium ciceri CP-93 + Azospirillum brasilense + Trichoderma harzianum. + Pseudomonas fluorescence + Bacillus megaterium + 25% chemical fertilizer) and T4(Rhizobium ciceri CP-93 + Azospirillum brasilense + Pseudomonas fluorescence + Bacillus megaterium +25% chemical fertilizer) recorded significant increased in the number of spike, number of spikletes, number of tillers and length of spike in the S1 and S2, comparison with other treatments. T6 recorded significant increase in the weight of 1000 seed in both S1 and S2 with (38.5, 38) g respectively, and in the yield of crop of one meter T6 and T4 recorded significant increase over other treatments, with 435 g/m2 and 421 g/m2 respectively in S1and (335, 330) g/m2 in S2.T6 also recorded significant increase in harvest index in both levels 27.23 % in S1 and 26 % in S2. results also showed there were no seed germination in S3, and there are not any data had been taken.

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