
An experiment was carried out at during the Zaid season of 2021-22 at central research farm of Soil science and agriculture chemistry at different level of vermicompost and neem cake on soil health, growth and yield attributes of cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.] var. Pusa Naubahar. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with nine treatment combinations of total 27 combination consisting of three vermicompost levels (0, 50 and 100%) and neem cake (0, 50 and 100%). In soil bulk density (Mg m-3) of soil was recorded 1.18 Mg m-3, particle density (Mg m-3) of soil was recorded 2.14 Mg m-3, pH of soil after harvesting 7.56, Electrical conductivity (dS m-1) after harvesting was 0.270, Organic carbon (%) of soil after harvesting was 54.5 , available nitrogen in soil was 276.49 kg ha-1 after harvesting, available phosphorus in soil was 30.74 kg ha-1 after harvesting , available potassium in soil was 262.65 kg ha-1 after harvesting and highest was in T9 (100% NPK + 100% VC + 100% NC). It was observed that for post-harvest treatment T9 (100% NPK + 100% VC + 100% NC) was best in terms of growth, yield and economic parameters with maximum plant height 82.25 cm, number of leaves plant-1 26.19, number of branch plant-1 6.90, pods plant-1 79.50, pod yield 56.13 and maximum cost benefit ratio (C: B) of (1:2.52).

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