
Severity is recognized as an important attribute of disturbance in many plant communities. However, the effects of disturbances of different severity on patterns of regeneration in oligohaline marsh vegetation have not been experimentally examined. In these communities, a critical difference in the effects of disturbance severity may be whether the vegetation dies as a result of the disturbance or is merely damaged and hence capable of resprouting. We described the regeneration of vegetation in two Louisiana marsh community types, one dominated by Sagittaria lancifolia L. and the other by Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., following three levels of disturbance: no disturbance, a nonlethal disturbance, and a lethal disturbance. In the nonlethal disturbance, aboveground vegetation was clipped to simulate common disturbances such as fire and herbivory that remove aboveground vegetation but leave rhizomes intact. In the lethal disturbance vegetation was killed using herbicide to simulate disturbances causing plant mortality such as wrack deposition, sedimentation, scouring, and flooding following fire or herbivory. Regeneration was assessed over a 2-year period by measuring plant species richness, relative abundance, relative dominance, cover, and final biomass. To elucidate mechanisms for observed responses of vegetation, the species composition of the seed bank, light penetration, water level, salinity, and soil redox potential were evaluated. Despite differences in the structure of undisturbed vegetation in the two community types, they exhibited the same overall pattern of regeneration. Following nonlethal disturbance, the dominant species resprouted and quickly reestablished the structure of the vegetation. In contrast, recolonization following lethal disturbance occurred primarily via seedling recruitment, which resulted in marked shifts in community structure that persisted throughout the study. While the two communities responded similarly overall to disturbance, the response of individual species was not uniform; abundance, dominance, biomass, or cover increased for some species but decreased for others in response to disturbance. Seed bank species occurred in the vegetation following lethal disturbance in the Spartina community and in both disturbed and undisturbed plots in the Sagittaria community, indicating that the seed bank is a source of propagules for regeneration and maintenance of oligohaline marshes. Of the environmental variables measured, light level was most closely related to the effect of disturbance severity on community structure. Our results suggest that lethal and nonlethal disturbances have differential effects on regeneration of vegetation that can create pattern in oligohaline marshes communities.

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