
Hessian fly infestation on triticale (X triticosecale Wittmack) has not been previously reported. Severe infestations on wheat in Georgia prompted the evaluation of triticale germplasm in the greenhouse to known biotypes of Hessian fly and in the field to natural populations. Susceptible triticale plants showed the same characteristics as susceptible wheat plants. ‘Beagle 82’, ‘Wytch’, and ‘Marta’, as well as several experimental lines, were highly resistant to biotype D Hessian fly. ‘M2A-Beagle’ and ‘Great Northern’ were the only entries highly resistant to biotype E, the predominant biotype population in the Southeast. The total number of flies per 30-cm row averaged 58 and 283 at Experiment and Plains, respectively. Morrison had the lowest percentage of infested tillers. ‘Jenkins’ and ‘Council’ were the most severely infested cultivars. Crosses have been made to determine the genetics of Hessian fly resistance identified in these studies.

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