
Abstract Bud development in ‘Tifblue’ rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) was reduced with increasing levels of soil-applied paclobutrazol (PB). Flowering was delayed from 10 to 15 days on plants receiving ≥3 g a.i. PB. This effect still existed 2 years after treatment. Rates of ≤2 g per plant did not influence leaf area. Floral or vegetative bud development, photosynthesis, transpiration, or fruit size when measured 1 year after treatment, but fruit yields were inversely correlated to PB levels. Two years after application, ≤2 g rates had not influenced total plant growth. Stems arising from mature canes were reduced by ≥ 0.5 g PB, but length of juvenile canes was increased by rates up to 2 g PB. Paclobutrazol applications had no influence on leaf content of N, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, or Cu. Only the highest level resulted in increased leaf levels of K and Zn, but Mn leaf content was increased by all levels of PB. In general, rates of soil-applied PB which reduced vegetative growth also reduced fruit yield. Chemical name used: β [(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-α-(1,1 dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-l-ethanol (paclobutrazol).

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