
In Europe, acidic coastal dunes are threatened by the invasion of the exotic moss Campylopus introflexus. While the effect of the moss encroachment on the vegetation is well analysed, knowledge of possible impact on arthropods is lacking. Thus, an experiment was conducted in acidic coastal dunes on the Baltic island of Hiddensee, Germany. Myrmeleotettix maculatus, a common Orthoptera species of open and dry habitats, was sampled by pitfall trapping in eleven plots invaded by C. introflexus and in eleven native, non-invaded plots rich in lichens. Overall, 826 individuals of M. maculatus were captured (266 nymphs, 560 adults). Mean number of adults was significantly higher in native plots. This maybe explained by a higher proportion of grasses (food supply), a higher availability of shelter (from predators, weather), or more favourable microclimate conditions in native plots and a higher mortality rate in invaded plots. However, mean number of both young and old nymphs did not differ significantly between both types. This could imply that invaded areas at least serve as favourable oviposition sites and larval habitats. The observed negative effect of the moss invasion on M. maculatus remains to be studied on other arthropods.

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