
Injections of adrenal cortical extract into 13 mice of the inbred C58 and RIL strains in the terminal stages of spontaneous lymphoid leukemia resulted in the following responses: (a) .in acute response (maximum at 6 hours folloning initial injection) rebulting in a decrease of circulating leukocytes of the blood, a lymphopenia with a corresponding absolute polymorphonuclear leukocytosis and a decrease in the number of circulating immature lymphocytes. (b) These blood alterations become more pronounced following continuous daily injections and tend not to return to the leukemic blood picture within 24 hours after injection of the extract. (c) Regression of infiltrated thymuses and subcutaneous lymph nodes was observed. Regression of the spleen, although definite, was not so pronounced as that observed in other lymphoid tissues. (d) Extensive degenerative changes in immature lymphocytes in thymuses and lymph nodes resulting in pyknosis, dissolution and depletion of these cells. In the cpleen similar changes occurred but were not so generalized. Pronounced degenerative changes in immature lymphocytes was observed in thymuses and lymph nodes of mice receiving daily injections over a relatively long period of time. Recovery and repair in these lymphoid organs was slight.

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