
A field study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 in Stoneville, MS, to evaluate the influence of cytokinin products on soybean injury and weed control when combined with common POST soybean herbicide treatments. Cytokinin treatments included no cytokinin mixture and two formulated cytokinin mixtures (kinetin-1 and kinetin-2) applied at 0.000227 kg ai ha−1. Herbicide treatments were no herbicide, glyphosate at 1.37 kg ae ha−1 alone and in combination with S-metolachlor at 1.42 kg ai ha−1 or fomesafen 0.395 kg ai ha−1. The addition of cytokinin treatments had no impact on soybean injury, plant height, or yield. Glyphosate plus fomesafen provided the greatest level of Palmer amaranth control, between 84 and 67%., 7 days and 28 days after treatment, respectively. Barnyardgrass control with glyphosate plus fomesafen was antagonized by one of two cytokinin products. To prevent possible reductions in herbicide efficacy, tank mixtures with cytokinin products should not be applied to soybean in POST herbicide applications.

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