
A field experiment was conducted during 1994 95 and 1995 96 at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal, to study the effect of sulphur ) bearing fertilizers on potato (Solanurn tuberosurn L.), and their residual effect on greengram ( Phaseolus radiatus L.). Soil incorporation of 72 kg Slha through single superphosphate (SSP) resulted in significantly higher dry , . matter production (901.60 g/m2 at 105 days after planting) and potato tuber yield (270.6 qlha) and its residual effect on the succeeding greengram gave highest dry matter production (527.93 glm2 at harvest) and seed yield (12.38 qlha). Application of S 108 kglha (through 3 parts SSP and 1 part K2S0,) gave significantly maximum large ( 100 g, 11.61 %) and medium (50 100 g, 26.39%) size tubers. Application of S 72 kgfha (through SSP) to potato and its residual effect on the next greengram crop (in rotation) showed the highest net production value (3.35) in this potato greengram sequence of lower Gangetic plains of West Bengal.

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