
A Field experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil at Sabour during kharif season of 2018 to evaluate optimum plant geometry, graded fertility level and zinc level for yield and nutrients uptake of baby corn (Zea mays L.). Experiment was laid out in split–plot design and replicated thrice with three plant geometry viz. P1 (40X20 cm), P2 (50X15 cm) and P3 (paired row at 50+30 x20 cm) in main plot, three levels of graded fertility (kg NPK ha-1) viz. F1(120:60:60), F2 (150:75:75) and F3 (180:90:90) in sub plot whereas, two levels of zinc (kg zinc ha-1) viz, Z1 (2.5) and Z2 (5.0) in sub-sub plot. Significant increase in baby corn yield (14.34q ha-1), nutrient uptake of baby corn, fodder and soil nutrient status were recorded with paired row plant geometry. The baby corn yield (13.92q ha-1), green fodder yield (278.91q ha-1), nitrogen, phosphorus and potash uptake of baby corn, fodder and soil nutrient status was higher with fertility level 180:90:90 kg N P2O5 K2O ha-1. Higher level of zinc (5.0kg ha-1) had improved baby corn yield (13.38q ha-1), green fodder yield (277.7q ha-1) along with high uptake of nutrients and improved soil fertility status.

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