
Metallic glasses with compositions of Fe 40Ni 40P 14B 6 and Fe 80B 20 were irradiated in the 800 HeV proton beam at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility wnile the electrical resistance and length changes were monitored. The resistance and the length of the first alloy were both found to increase and saturate with dose to ΔR/ R − 5 × 10 3 and ΔL/ L − 2 × 10 −3. For the second alloy the total dose of 1.1 × 10 19 p/cm 2 which was calculated to give roughly 0.12 dpa, was slightly less than that required for saturation. No annealing of these increases was observed for anneals from room temperature to 250°C. These results are interpreted in terms of a model in which collision cascades create small regions of increased atomic disorder which fully overlap each other at saturation.

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